Vegan Vitamin D Food Sources for Vegans

vegan vitamin d food sources

If you’re a vegan, getting Vitamin D can be very tricky. Most of the foods that have vitamin D will not be entirely vegan. As a result, you need to figure out on the go when it comes to what vegan foods with Vitamin D you can eat. Thankfully, if you search long enough, you will notice that there are a few vegan vitamin D foods.

Fortified rice milk

Fortified rice milk is a great source of Vitamin D3 and it’s quite tasty too. The best part about it is that you are bound to enjoy it because it’s good and it also has a variety of other vitamins like B or A. That alone really goes to show the tremendous value it can bring and how healthy it is. You should consider giving it a try.

Fortified almond milk

It might not have a lot of vegan vitamin D3, but fortified almond milk is great and it has lots of calcium too. That makes it a very good pick if you’re looking to find a great source of vegan foods with Vitamin D. It’s hard for a vegan to acquire this vitamin, so you might as well give it a try.

Fortified orange juice

The thing to note here is that not all the orange juices are fortified with Vitamin D. But some brands will bring in vegan vitamin D 3. You do need to study the ingredients list and the package to see that. It’s not easy to find the right brand in this situation, but it will certainly be worth it.

Fortified cereals

What you will enjoy about fortified cereals is the fact that they have lots of nutrients. Like many of the products listed above, you will notice not all cereal brands are fortified with vitamin D, so you will need to pay a lot of attention to the packaging. But it might be able to help you quite a bit. 


Mushrooms are a great source of vegan vitamin D 3. The interesting thing is that this is the only plant resource full of vitamin D. The others are fortified compounds. They are still a great resource nonetheless, but mushrooms are better in many ways, as you can easily see here. Ideally you want mushrooms exposed to light during their growth period. Those that were grown in the dark will not have the amount of vitamin D that you might want from them, so try to keep that in mind.

Even if it might seem impossible, you can find sources of vegan vitamin D out there. Granted, there aren’t that many of them, but you’re still getting some amazing results and that’s what makes this so incredible in the first place. We recommend you to give these vegan vitamin D foods a try if you’re looking for a healthy source of vitamin D. All you need is to find the one that suits your needs the most!