Top 5 Foods That Cause Inflammation in the Body

Inflammation in the Body

Depending on the situation, inflammation can be beneficial or harmful. When you’re unwell, it’s your body’s natural defence method. It can assist your body in fighting sickness and encouraging recovery. However, chronic inflammation has been related to disorders such as diabetes, obesity, and heart conditions. The foods you consume can significantly impact how much inflammation you have in your body. Below are the top 5 foods that may cause inflammation in the body.

Added Sugars

The two primary added sugar types are table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Added sugars can cause inflammation, which can lead to illness. Sugar contains an excessive quantity of fructose, which can be damaging. 

Consuming minor amounts of fructose in fruits and vegetables is acceptable, but ingesting significant amounts from added sugars is not. High fructose consumption has been proven to enhance many inflammatory markers.

Only those who drank ordinary soda had higher uric acid levels than those who only drank milk or water in one trial, which increased inflammation and insulin resistance.

In a previous blog, we discuss the top 5 negative impacts on your health caused by overeating refined/added sugar.

Inflammation in the Body
Added sugar

Trans Fats Produced Artificially

Artificial trans fats are made by adding hydrogen to liquid unsaturated fats to make them more solid. They’re perhaps the worst fats you can consume.

Artificial trans fats have been proven to induce inflammation and raise disease risk compared to naturally occurring trans fats. High levels of inflammatory indicators like C-reactive protein have been related to it (CRP)

Trans fats may also disrupt the function of endothelial cells, increasing your risk of heart disease. Fried fast food, such as french fries and other processed foods that include partly hydrogenated vegetable oil on the label, are rich in trans fats

Trans fats

Top 5 Foods That Induce Inflammation in the Body – Processed Meat

Processed meat consumption is linked to a higher diabetes and heart disease risk. More advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are found in processed meat than in other meats. High-temperature cooking produces AGEs in meats and other goods, which have been linked to inflammation.

The link between processed meat consumption and colon cancer is the strongest of all the associated disorders.

Inflammation in the Body
Processed Meat

Heavy Alcohol Consumption

Bacterial toxins may migrate from the colon into the body in those who drink a lot of alcohol. Leaky gut is the term for this condition, resulting in extensive inflammation and organ damage.

Heavy alcohol consumption

Top 5 Foods That Induce Inflammation in the Body – Refined Carbohydrates

Carbs aren’t all bad for you. Nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables, and fruits are unprocessed carbohydrates. On the other hand, consumption of refined carbohydrates may contribute to inflammation. The majority of the fibre has been eliminated from refined carbohydrates. Fibre keeps you fuller for longer, helps blood sugar regulation, and feeds your intestinal microbes.

According to research, processed carbohydrates may promote the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria, which can increase your risk of inflammatory bowel disease and obesity. Candy, bread, pasta, pastries, and all processed foods with added sugar or flour have refined carbs.

Inflammation in the Body
Refined carbohydrates